Archive for the ‘Dog Names’ Category

Dog Names at Mt Pleasant SC Boarding Kennel

March 23, 2016

Fido? Rover? Take a look at the newer and trendier dog names!

When you bring your new puppy or dog home from MPAH, you’re doubtless in search of a dog name worthy of your new pet. Fifty years ago, kid’s stories spoke of Spot, named for his distinctive spot of color. Fido was the quintessential dog name, a reference to fidelity. Rover? One who roams, as all dogs do.

These time-worn names have, well, been worn out. Today, people seek more descriptive names for man’s best friend. Names which bespeak your dog’s character and your own relationship with the rest of mankind, are now in favor. In fact, there is a field of study dedicated to names. It’s called onomastics.

Today, people who acquire a new dog, are no longer satisfied with the traditional dog names. Onamasticians report that there is a societal change of heart, whereby our pets gain a new dimension of the heart in their naming. Dog names, in particular, are more aligned with humans. We now tend to associate more of the human qualities with our dogs, and naming follows suit.

For example, our German Shepherd puppy might acquire the name ‘Wolfgang’ in honor of his German roots. A dog owner with macho aspirations, might name his pup ‘Spike’, or ‘Rocky’.

However, there’s a new trend in dog names, which more closely fits the onamastician’s observations. Today, approximately 70% of our dogs are named with  people’s names! From the onamastician’s viewpoint, this reflects a closer tie with our canine friends. Our dogs are indeed trusted friends, perhaps surpassing our human friends. Our dogs are family members, and the naming conventions prove the point. ‘Miles’, ‘Bailey’, ‘Wallace’ and other such upscale society names are becoming the norm in a certain age group. There are still the classic dog names, such as ‘Lady’, ‘Daisy’, ‘Rex’ and ‘Ginger’, which may never go out of style.

Naming your dog has become a psychological phenomena! Attributing a name for your canine friend in line with names of your friends is now, definitely, in. Alicia, Zoe or Cody might well be a neighbor’s name, one which you esteem, purely fitting for your furry friend. Why not?

The bottom line in a dog’s name is the suitability to that dog’s personality. If your best human friend is named GaGa, isn’t it a tribute to that person when you confer that name on your dog?

Now, what about Big Mouth, Sissy or Teeth Galore? It sends a whole different message. On the other hand, Sweetheart makes your heart melt. So it brings to mind, what’s in a name? Dogs are man’s best friend. Choose your dog’s name accordingly.